Monday, January 10, 2011

CyberCrime Blog #1

1. Ethics is what society feels is right for example laws and manners.
2.Values is what is important to you. My top values are family,respect,health  and independence.
3.I was tempted to go to the side that i did not agree with because of peer pressure. I didn't want to be the only one disagreeing.
4.Morals are how we live balancing values and ethics. Ethics and values do not match.  The consequences for immoral behavor can get you in serious trouble like going to jail.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Bicentennial Man Blog

  The robotic laws are very interesting, they basically talk about how robots can not hurt humans under any circumstances.Another third law that i would suggest would be that robots should have all the respects toward all humans. That way they would get along with everyone.
  I think if a machine has human level intelligence and functions entirely independently it should not be consider alive, because the  machine has been programed to do many of task that its assigned. Also its programmed to be very creative for example in the movie Andrew studies how to carve things he also learns how to make a house.
 I think it should not be owned by another person because that's basically a form of slavery. It is capable of making its own decisions and it knows how to handle everything. Its basically independent.
   I do not think is worth being in mortal because all the people that you end up having feelings for them over the years they end up dieing. For example in  the movie Andrew was very attached to little Miss but when she dies he gets very sad because everyone that he loves die.
 If AI had its own thoughts,feelings and emotions we should treat them like humans because they can feel, think and have feelings like we do. Also i think they would be equal as humans because if they can do everything like we humans do they should be treated as humans.

I eventually think that AI is going to occur because technology has improved in so many ways. New technology is coming out and helping our society.Also everything has improved so eventually AI is going to occur.

I think AI is in between good and bad. It's good because it can help us in so many ways. For example in the movie Andrew kept company to the family he was always their. Also i think its bad because it can take away all the human jobs and the society would not have any work. The worst thing that AI can create is taking humans jobs.

My feelings toward the Bicentennial Movie are very good. I really did like the movie because it taught me how robots can be a lot like humans. Also at the beginning i taught it was very realistic but than towards the end i taught it wasn't because he made himself look so much like a human.  It was a valuable use of time in class because us watching this movie it made us think how the future is going to change with all the technology that is coming out.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Summarize briefly the plot of flatline.
The story is about Artificial Intelligence it talks about how life would look in the future. It talks about how the buildings would look in  and how cars will improve. Also it talks about a group of individuals that try to take down individuals and society of AI, but they failed.

AI role was good because it helped out the people in the story.It helped them do many things. 

They wanted to destroy the AI because AI was taking over and they did not want that to happen. They do not succeed.

I think AI is going to turn out like in the story because AI is increasing and  technology is getting better.So i think eventually AI is going to be more powerful.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Class 1 blog:AI

1.Is AI possible, why?
 AI is possible because Moore's Law states that every two year the computer increase their speed.

2.Is AI good or bad and explain?
AI is a very good thing because it does many things for people. For example AI can help us with our jobs our task that we have to do and it can  help us learn more.

3. What do you predict that Moore's law can lead to?
Moore's law can lead us to true AI for example it can lead us to make new discoveries and explore new situations. Also it can help us with or work.

4.What evidence can be given to show that the turning test is actually helpful?
 The evidence that can be given to show that the turning test is helpful is that you can tell when  you are talking to a computer. Also you can distinguish whether a computer is responding or a human is responding.Its helpful because it can give us information.

5. Do you think that AI is going to be used more?
 I believe that AI is going to be used more today on our society. People are going to start using it more for task that they need to do.